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Pages: 1
One of the terrific things about BA is that you can concentrate so much on details of facial expression. I've noticed in particular that some of your contributors, just as their orgasm becomes inevitable, look straight at the camera, sometimes just for a moment but usually in a way which I find unforgettable. The moment is difficult to describe exactly - sometimes it's one of relief, sometimes of open-eyed apparent surprise, often of sheer wonderment as to what's happening to them.
A few examples to illustrate what I mean: Ms 404 at 4.42, Ms 657 at 1.41 (and at 1.50 of her overkill), Ms 1318 at 4.34 and the one which drove me to write this, Ms 1761 at 3.17.
Am I the only one who has a thing about this? My wife usually does the same thing just before she comes - and the expression of wonder which comes over her face at that moment never fails to tip me over the edge. Sadly, she says she can only masturbate with her eyes shut, which means she's never seen herself 'in extremis'.
One of the terrific things about BA is that you can concentrate so much on details of facial expression. I've noticed in particular that some of your contributors, just as their orgasm becomes inevitable, look straight at the camera, sometimes just for a moment but usually in a way which I find unforgettable. The moment is difficult to describe exactly - sometimes it's one of relief, sometimes of open-eyed apparent surprise, often of sheer wonderment as to what's happening to them.
It's something which regularly stays in my mind.
"Good sex is like good bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand"
Pages: 1