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Anyone else find this a bit frustrating...
I donwload the vids before watching them. And its great to see on the site a thumbnail of the video on the site (so you can see who it is) before downloading,
BUT once you have downloaded the videos, all of them creat a blank thumbnail in own saved folder!
I download wmv, windows automatically takes the first frame and creates the thumbnail, and since the start of every video is black with the beautiful agony title, all individual videos 'thumnails' are just a black square. the only way to identify is by their video number.
im not sure how many of us are very good at searching and remembering video numbers.
It would be great if the site creaters could be helpfull in either embedding the thumbnail image into the video information, or simply have the very first frame of the video to be the same as the internet page thumnail. (and since 1 frame passes very quick i doubt it wouyld have an effect on the experience of the video).
Just a suggestion, would be great to hear some support about this
thought i should write something instead of just downloading and walking away!
i agree tiggs! same sort of thing as on IFM... although i guess it does keep the whole 'anonymity' vibe going with the site... no names and such. i do have my faves, but its cool to rifle thru a few files to find the ones you like... i've found a few that i downloaded and thought "meh", only to revisit and enjoy!
keep up the top work... if i have enuf beers this friday night might get the 'dutch' to submit!
The free image viewer XnView has a built-in browser that will show what's in these videos because like youtube it captures a frame from the halfway mark (or thereabouts) of the video for the thumbnail image.
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