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Ms 718 you did a little more than just move your head around a bit!
I enjoyed it a lot and your confession thankyou for sharing
Ferrett, I absolutely agree. I thought this lady's confession was one of the most moving I've heard. Here's hoping her beauty, determination and courage reap a rich reward of happiness.
I agree in the above. Besides that I also find myself listening to your vibrator, Ms 718. It makes all the sexiest of sounds as you ... ... ... with it!
Last edited by Tonning (2007-01-23 23:51:47)
... neither cast ye your pearls before swine,
for the swine will slide - cast ye straw or sawdust!!
Dear Ms 718
Listening again to your Confession (which I listened to before watching your Agony), I am filled with awe and respect.
The journey along which you have travelled must at times have been daunting and full of guilt-induced wretchedness, the impact of which on a young girl can only be guessed at from your brief sketch of the fears. conflicts, frustrations and self-contempt that your upbringing put you through.
One of the impressive things about you is the way in which you speak of all that without showing any feelings of rancour or anger toward those who caused you to go through all these miseries; rather than look back in anger, you come across as a person who is looking forward in hope and love and with positive expectations.
The story you tell of your struggle against the effects of a repressive family situation, and of your rising above it as a woman nurturing her sexuality with enthusiasm but also with intelligence and insight and self-respect, is one that could be a source of encouragement and inspiration to others, both male and female, who have similar legacies of repression to deal with. No doubt there is much you have left untold (and of course one is left wondering how your girlfriend's Christmas visit to your family went, and hoping it all went well). Will we be able to learn more?
Your Agony was certainly compellingly Beautiful, as are you; but I think that for me (and perhaps for not a few other BA forum denizens, ) even more compelling will be the memory of your Confession and its story of triumph over adversity -- and your own radiant beauty as you tell it (with that gloriously melodious speaking voice that I could listen to in rapt enchantment for hours).
I do hope this Agony and Confession will not be the last we hear from/see of you. As a presence on the forum you would, I feel, add something quite distinctively special (you might also participation adding to your feeling of liberation, who knows?), and I'm sure you would be warmly welcome. But whatever you decide about that, here's wishing you and your fiancée every happiness together. May your journey of liberation and sexual fulfilment go ever onward and upward.
Last edited by takochan (2007-01-24 09:52:02)
Pages: 1