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I'm new to site. Definitely the most erotic site on web. However, I like a little talking with my orgasms. Any suggestions which submissions like to talk? I'm not expecting conversation, just the usual exclamations beyond gasps. Thanks
This would go for me too :-)
I don't mean someone who doesn't stop talking, constantly gasping out the "f" word (although one or two of those can be nice) or anything. However, my wife for example has a long build up to orgasm but I can always tell when she's about to "go over the edge" because she usually says something - a gently gasped "I'm coming..." or similar. It's such a turn on and of course it helps immensely with my own timing, if you get my drift
A couple of words at the point of orgasm can act as a trigger for one's own...... sweet
Exactly....just that right word at the right time to put me over the edge as well. That's not being selfish is it?
You might try checking out this thread: … php?id=323
Pages: 1