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I'd like to express my gratitude to Ms. 555 for her lovely contribution. It made me happy to be alive.
Question for Richard & Lauren -- if there's no confession under a person's name, does that mean it's still being edited and will arrive at a later date? Or, in the case of Ms. 555, does it mean that the person chose not to talk? I'm interested to know what she was thinking about as she was laughing.
If there is no confession under the persons number, unfortunately this means they chose either not to do a confession or that their confession was unusable, such as missing audio or a problem with the original recording in some way. I would love to know what ms #555 is laughing about myself. Lauren xo
"Good sex is like good bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand"
I certainly hope Ms555 can make a living from her "agony" video clips.
I lost count of her use of the word "like". Anyone who came to work for me where every 3rd word was "like" wouldn't work for me, "For Sure"
Anyone her age take an English Writing and/or Literature course??...and pass??