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If you look closely at Ms #383 at 00:16 and at Ms OV0088 at 00:07 , those 2 beautiful girls are showing us the way they choose to get their O. For those two, it's a white vibrator. Is it a new trend? That phenomenon was unseen in agonies before.
I like the way they do it. They have the vibrator in their right hand and feel suddenly the need to put in place matter-of-factly their hair using hands. Very clever and sexy. Am I the only one to have noticed that? But a girl licking her fingers to have a wet start is even better. Oh! those beautiful girls, they drive us crazy, unsane and ...h....
A vibrator is clearly a popular method for many of the agonists. In quite a few clips a vibrator can be easily heard. I find that rather sexy myself; there's a certain overtness about it that I like. It's as if the agonist is saying, "Yes, I'm masturbating, and I'm doing it on purpose!" Perhaps that sounds silly, but hopefully you know what I mean.
It's obvious in 383's but OV0088 might actually be holding a small bottle of lube in her hand.
Regardless, it's an interesting addition to these videos. I also like when the women undress before they start. Just when you thought Agony couldn't get any sexier...
Pages: 1