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Pages: 1
Hello everybody, I'm happy to have recently become a member of this terrific website which concept is as brilliant as it is simple. It's a delight to watch and listen to all these gorgeous people sharing some of their most intimate moments. I also like to read the forum and decided to post a little question here myself. So far there are two of the oldest videos that won't play on my computer, namely 0006 (the second one only, the first one plays fine) and 0080. Thank you if anybody knows a way to fix this. Oh and sorry if my English isn't too good as it isn't my first language...
...Thank you if anybody knows a way to fix this. Oh and sorry if my English isn't too good as it isn't my first language...
You're right, those 2 videos will not play for me either...
and as far as your English goes, You are very fluent and clear... I would have guessed that English was your first language
Ashmedi is an ancient god of Rage and Lust
Rage doesn't fit me, but Lust fits to a T
Thank you for your reply and kind feedback ashmedi, glad I took those English lessons Let's hope these videos will get fixed
This is another one that doesn't work, at least not on my computer: 0225, Confession 2.
This is another one that doesn't work, at least not on my computer: 0225, Confession 2.
Hey Agrumes...
I should have mentioned this earlier, Technical problems are often not noticed when posted to this forum...
The General forum is where technical problems should be posted...
I would suggest you post a new thread in that forum, you can probably list all 3 files you have mentioned in this thread...
Sorry I didn't mention this sooner to you
Ashmedi is an ancient god of Rage and Lust
Rage doesn't fit me, but Lust fits to a T
Okay thank you, I was already wondering why there are two forums and what are the differences between both
Pages: 1