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I've just bought a subscription to BeautifulAgony, and whatever I try to view, it refreshes every eight or ten seconds. I am able to view youtube videos, etc without a problem--they refresh every 35 or 40 seconds, but this is just silly. Any ideas?
If there is no solution, is a refund available?
Thank you.
Please go to the Help page, and fill in a Support Ticket. However you need to explain more thoroughly what you mean by 'refresh'.
I wonder if this is the same problem I've been having for the last couple of weeks - the videos seem very slow to load, with the result that they keep stopping and "buffering" while trying to stream them from the site. I've had to take to downloading and saving videos I want to watch, then watching my saved copy. Is there any reason for this as it is a tad annoying and a real shame!