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Pages: 1
I hadn't been back to Agony for a couple of years. Previously, I found many of the clips far less interesting whenever the model's head is all that is visible. Now it appears that many women are pushing the limits a bit, although still consistent with the no nudity rule that the site is based upon. When I say pushing the limits, I mean there are now numerous clips where the model is visible down to about her waist as opposed to just to the shoulders as in most. For me, and I doubt I'm alone, getting a better idea of what she's up to makes the clip much more enjoyable, not to mention that it implies that she's truly uninhibited--which is the one single biggest thing that differentiates clips IMO. Cudos to the site for allowing this free expression. Even if some see this evolution as a minor and gradual thing, it's this kind of thing that I believe will help the site stay fresh.
Pages: 1