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Pages: 1
Ms 2649 has struck me down with her beauty, captivating smile, enchanting brief flashes of her incredible eyes, and her sounds which drive me crazy... Both her original Agony and today's 2nd are works of Erotica at its finest <3
So Lauren, Goddess of Knowledge Do you know if this enchantress submitted to ISM? and if so, would you be willing to share that knowledge with me?
Please and Thanks <3 <3
Ashmedi is an ancient god of Rage and Lust
Rage doesn't fit me, but Lust fits to a T
Hi Ashmedi
Agonist #2649 has not submitted to ISM. Sorry
"Good sex is like good bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand"
Hi Ashmedi
Agonist #2649 has not submitted to ISM. Sorry
Well, that's a shame, and not what I was hoping for
It is -23C in the great white north... Wish I had some of your Assie heat
Ashmedi is an ancient god of Rage and Lust
Rage doesn't fit me, but Lust fits to a T
Pages: 1