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Pages: 1
As a new member I am intrigued by the range of agonies that I have seen on this site. Some girls use vibrators - you can hear them, but most of the others are using more 'traditional' methods but these seem as different as the agonies that they produce.
Showing the methods is contrary to the principles of the site, and I understand that, but I am intrigued.
Guessing the method employed is half of the fun sometimes. On the subject of vibrators I think that we at BA should set ourselves a mission. We should track down the man who invented the personal vibrator and submit his name to the Nobel Foundation for a peace prize. If he doesn't deserve recognition for services to humanity I dont know who does.
Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense.
Further to the above I now gather that vibrators have been around for a lot longer than I had realised. A wind-up model called the Tremoussoir was invented in 1734 and a steam powered contraption called "The Manipulator" was invented in 1869 by George Taylor. (Inducing orgasm was a popular tratment for a whole range of women's emotional/psychological conditions in the mid nineteenth century and mechanical devices were employed because the doctor's fingers got tired. Nice work if you can get it).
I didn't discover who invented the first battery powered self contained vibrator but I am sure that someone on this site will be able to tell me.
Ok so a Nobel prize is out but all of us at BA should at least raise a glass (or anything else you feel like raising) to all those who laboured tirelessly over the centuries to mechanicaly enhance the sexual pleasure of women.
Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense.
I have actually been thinking before, that I would like there to be a site similar to BA, but wich showed just a close-up of the method instead
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