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Pages: 1
Today's Agony, #257, is for me the perfect argument for higher video quality.
To my eyes, digital cameras don't deal well with closely-intermixed areas of light and shadow, nor do they deal well with sudden changes in focus (like when a subject lifts his/her head); put these two things together and I think you get the worst of digital photography: heavily-pixelated images, wash-out, etc.
True, higher quality video isn't going to make this go away, but I believe the effects are worse, more noticeable when the video quality is lowered (usually to keep down the size of the file).
Richard et al., please consider offering even the daily Agonies in both the "standard" resolution (for fast download and for folks with slow connections) and in the highest resolution possible (which may depend on what was submitted).
...nevertheless, you elegant creature (Ms 257, I mean), thanks for risking that rare sunlight. Love your coiffure -- and your smile midway!
Pages: 1