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Pages: 1
Could there be a deluxe version of this website. Perhaps at another website (hint) That shows more then just face.
Just to give us adoring fans more "IM" vids?
More then just face? I think, after that it wouldn't be any more the "Beautiful Agony" project.
Long live the hedonism, –enjoy your sexual pleasure!
The webmaster here has other works not associated with this website. By diverging like he\she does into another website. The "purity" of this site is maintained while possibly branching into a field that has a fringe loyalty like Abby's.
ie "full frontal orgasms like IM" minus the face only or gyno only shots.
Heck, I'd contribute if the wife wouldn't kil me.
Could there be a deluxe version of this website. Perhaps at another website (hint) That shows more then just face.
Just to give us adoring fans more "IM" vids?
So if the webmaster is involved into other projects, why don´t you ask there?
L'éssentiel est invisible pour les yeux.
Because I don't want to "spam" the other person's website with a BA wish. Just like I won't spam this website with a wish for somebody else's website.
Heck, I'd contribute if the wife wouldn't kil me.
Yipes! That means your username really does mean someone who thinks MSN is Evil, rather than "Ms. Nevil" ! =]
Now that my unwitting naivite is out in the open, what are you referring to by "IM?"
"There is always room for something more."
I think the sister-site should be the exact same concept, minus the face.... it would be called dirtyagony.
lmao at tex.
Actually my wife does use the same moniker. And yes, your right about the name.
But now you know my secret identity, and now I must kill you with Romano noodles.
I guess " =] " isn't actually a smiley. I'm on a roll.
I just wanted to add that I'd probably be among that fringe audience for a "full frontal masturbation" home, separate from BA. With my interests and preferences, it'd be difficult not to approve of that.
But now you know my secret identity, and now I must kill you with Romano noodles.
It's been a good run. But you can't do THAT -- I'm part Italian! If you must, at least use Linguine!! You know how we Italians prefer thicker noodles!!!
"There is always room for something more."
great idea tex. that would be excellant
Pages: 1