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Pages: 1
Please do not take this as a criticism, but on the basis that virtually all the agonee clips occur in the peace and quiet of the bedroom, I would like to submit a couple of ideas that might add an extra dimension to this truly exceptional site.
So,...purely on the basis of variation, how about setting a monthly theme, e.g. Outdoors/Standing Up/Public etc.
I'm sure this could be done, while still maintaining the "neck up" principle, and of course, not deterring our wonderful "bedroom agonees".
If you´d watched well, there are some contributions from outside the bedroom (e.g. bathroom, park, garden,...) available. I mean, the submissioners are free in what to submit, and most of them seem to want to send in bedroom vids. Where do YOU masturbate?
If you are not satisfied with the variety here, send in an own agony! Feel free to do it in the public (office, store, baseball stadium, highway, I don' know where...) I´m waiting for you!
No, I am NOT offended...
L'éssentiel est invisible pour les yeux.
Pages: 1