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no1steelerfan stated on another thread, "why don't we discuss the beautiful people who contribute to this site."
That got me to thinking...
What I'd like to know is why some of the agonees decided to submit a video.
If any agonees who happen to frequent the forum would like to comment, that would be great.
Or maybe Richard or Lauren can shed some light on this, if agonees have told them why. (Or perhaps there are a few reasons they have heard more than once & can share the most frequently given reasons.)
A lot of people won't do it in front of ANYBODY - not even a significant other - much less on video. But I'd like to thank all those who do here. You rock!
Last edited by pablo (2005-07-12 10:41:35)
There are several overkill contributions that explain why some have done this. I have heard reasons from being a free spirit to overcoming a fear or personal hang-up.
The reasons could be different for all 300+ of the agonees. There might be other reasons as diverse as wanting to see what they looked like when they achieve their orgasm or taking a dare or a bet.
I'm sure that some wanted to show off for a mate. Some might even have done it at the request of a mate.
Whatever the reason, I am appreciative of the willingness to grace us with such an intimate moment of their lives.
Of all the things that God created, is there anything as fascinating as the clitoris?
An artist friend of mine once proposed doing a portrait of herself, and extended family members, in the nude. This would not have been an easy task, to say the least. But I marveled at the artistic potential. You look for many things in life as in art, things familiar and newly discovered. We've all seen nude bodies, presumedly. But have we ever seen ourselves orgasming? The beauty you see in the "agonies" can be found in ourselves. Some of us consciously pursue this curiosity on a regular basis (writers, painters, musicians, etc). We see the humanity in ourselves and each other. We see we belong.
Life was beautiful before the beautiful life
Lago NY : Then I guess you and your friend appreciate the work of that american photographer (Spencer Tunick) who takes pictures of hundred naked people (all volunteers) in the streets of the major towns all over the world. Also, OK for the mystery in BA but some people have a honest desire of curiosity too and want to see a bit more. After all, an artistic expression can also be very erotic and sexual. Interesting what you say about seeing humanity in ourselves (and in our orgasm). Curiosity is not only among the artists but among all of those who really are and feel alive. Curiosity could be a good sign of intelligence as transgressing some taboo or challenging the nature laws like the gravity for instance.