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Pages: 1
I am very excited about this site as well as my partner. We both had questions though and wish to see if we can get them answered.
1. When a video is submited, do you assign the number randomly and do we keep that same number if we decide to submit an other video?
2. What format do you wish the video to be in or is there a limit to the size?
3. Does she have to masturbate or can she be orally stimulated?
Good job on the site, both of are planing to sign up soon to enjoy all the videos together.
Uh, anyone?
Uh, anyone?
There's an email form on the site for questions like these. But since we're here...the numbering system is going to change soon but they are assigned nuimbers in the order they appear, irrespective of when they're received. We ask for submissions to be on mini DV tape which means each one can be up to an hour. How she achieves the orgasm is entirely her choice and we don't need to know.
Pages: 1